Wendy’s top travelling tips

This is a post I wrote a month ago, I think aided with a bottle of vino. I was gonna to reality deck it, but might as well just post it now x

Ok, so you think I might be getting a bit carried a way with myself, extolling the lessons learnt on albeit only a four week journey, but it is a steep learning curve and I hope these will stand me in good stead for the following 11 months.

1: regardless of what you read, or hear, the world is genuinely full of good people. Just because they don’t speak the same language, that does not mean you have to be suspicious or think they are going to mug you. Mmm, small incident on Copacabana taught me that one, and as a bonus I now know what ‘fumar’ means.

2: it makes good sense to ask where you are before you get off a bus! Sometime they don’t run to schedule and just because everyone else seems to departing, it may not be your stop (Floranopolis springs to mind). Likewise, and this is not one I have shared, it makes good sense to check the bus you have just put your luggage in is actually your bus!

3: this is actually a very old one that Jacky and I found out back in Ibiza in the days. Be careful of what you say, the vast majority of people can actually speak and / or understand English. Dissing them for taking too long on the phone will only make them talk for longer and you’ll get a curt response in queens English to boot!

4: always be kind to people, I know this sounds a bit twee, but a lovely lass i met saw I was travelling alone (she was previously) and invited me to join her pals for the night. She’d been in rio for awhile and knew the crack. I maybe take this one to heart a little bit, but saying hi to new folks in a hostel can make a big difference – maybe, a few people I befriended wished I was not so friendly but that’s another story!

5: practicalities, make sure you do ‘really’ wear in your shoes pre trip. Wandering around in the house in your socks and Birkenstocks does not cut the mushrooms… Or mustard!

6: on a similar vein, just because you are 1000s of miles from home does not mean you have to dress differently. Sorry Sue, but you know zip off pants really aren’t me whether I am in Newcastle or Rio (nb: especially not rio!) although, they did come in handy in the desert 😉

7: if you say you are going to befriend someone on Facebook or email them, then do it! Generally, there and then in the moment is the best action, but if not then don’t leave it too long. You know, some of the people who’ve bonded with and had a great time, you might never see again or think about, but there are those who will stay in touch and will help you on your way. Lord, that’s sounds far too philosophical, I’ve only had two beers and on my second glass of vino!

8: nearly forgot this one, and yes it’s my birthday in may, make sure you have a waterproof cover for your rucksack – herewith in should rucksacks be required (I was surprised how many travellers just have a suitcase – if only I had known!) it sometime rains and it’s a bit of a bugger having to get the whole contents of your bag dried, let alone all those copies of your important paperwork you kept somewhere safe and not in a waterproof bag….

9: go with the flow! Those that know me, know I like to have a plan and stick to it, but sometimes (especially in buenos aires) things don’t work out to plan. Would you rather have fab memories with people you enjoy being with, or a photo of a Eva’s grave? Yep, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.

10: finally, although I could go on and on, take heed of the 11 second rule. A wise man once told me, that you can make an informed opinion within 11 seconds of meeting someone and the majority of the time you are right in your instincts. My lord, I can’t remember the number of people I have met so far, time is of the essence especially when you are travelling and you should spend time with the people who interest, entertain or educate you. I’m a pretty easy going gal and can and will get on with most of the people most of the time, but there’s been a few occasions when it’s best just to exchange small talk and move on, even if that means sometimes you spend time away from the main group (yep, blogging!) life is too short in so many ways, I think my evening has been best spent here sharing my thoughts with you than chatting with folks that irritate the hell out of me! Ok, there was only one, but that was enough for me to escape, sit out my room with my machine and slurp a glass of wine – this I have enjoyed. Thanks for reading. Lots of love xxx

Ps: the inane London 25 something has left the building, maybe I should go an join everyone now? Nope, my favourite saying ‘one for the road’ comes to mind and maybe not in the way you think… One final tip not vino!!!

11: sometimes you only have one chance of seeing something phenomenal. I’m off to see the rainbow waterfalls tomorrow and maybe a Toucan.

Goodnight all, i’ll have my ear plugs to the ready x