Travelling Thai style

I apologise before even writing this, this post is going to be a rant.

Mission to get from Koh Pha-Ngan to Chiang Mai, not too difficult I thought although I knew I’d have a detour via Bangkok. When the hostel couldn’t help, I was advised to visit the local travel agents. No problem, they said, how would you like to get there?

Bus, train, or plane I did not care, I’d look at the prices and choose.

Oh, no planes available, no trains; guess I’ll be taking the bus then. The only route available was leaving noon and arriving Bangkok 6am the following morning, the next bus to Chiang Mai would be 6pm in the evening. Only one bus, a day from Bangkok to Chiang Mia? Apparently so.

Ok, not ideal but my only option. Getting to Bangkok at 6am and waiting 12 hours was do-able, not ideal, but do-able none-the-less especially when I was getting dropped off at Khao San road – my old stomping ground.

So, a ferry and night bus. I was snoozing quite happily when the bus driver announced it was last stop; Khao San road. I looked at my watch, 2.30am not 6am, it could not be. Oh, but yes it was. It was raining, I had my rucksack and did not know where I was. The ‘helpful’ driver wanted to take me to the bus station, nooo! Where’s Khao San road? I thought if I at least I got there I’d be able to concoct a plan.

In my last post, I mentioned that people said your second visit to bangkok would bring relief and it did. Once I realised where I was, I was able to find a hotel for the evening. Thank god!

So for my next leg of the trip. Find the police station and the bus stop / pick up is opposite… I’m boarding at 6pm this evening so luckily I have time to find this allusive bus stop before then. I also asked where in Chiang Mai I’d be dropped off; at the bus station, but where’s the bus station? Don’t know, it’s a big place! Can you not find out? No? Luckily this time I’ve emailed my hostel in advance and said I might be early, I’ve also been advised to get a ‘red truck’ from the bus station, I’m hoping they know where I’m getting dropped off! And, I also think they mean a red taxi.

People say a lot of the experiences of travelling is the journey. I’d happily bypass the journey, if my last trip was anything to go by, give me my Wizard of Oz red shoes any day!