Lovely Lima

Hola, this is going to be a quickie as I did not want you to think, like I initially did, that Lima is nothing more that an airport stop. It’s quite a large, bustling, cosmopolitan city and felt quite westernised. It does not possess the charms of Cuzco or the craziness of La Paz, but it still is still worthy of its very own post.

I stayed in the Miraflores district which is centred around Parque Kennedy. The park was really pretty and surprise, surprise it had a rather lovely church.

The hostel was also central, the Red Psycho Llama, whose ethos is all about recycling, so the bar was decked out in cassettes, the doors in CDs, old record on the wall – you get the picture.

The views from the roof top terrace were of a city esq stature. There was a hotel, I think, which I looked out onto, that on an evening turned into a psychedelic rainbow. Most lovely!

Unfortunately I was only there for a couple of days, so I did not get all the sight seeing done that I had intended. However, I did have a wander down to the seafront to see the pacific ocean in its grey glory. Given it’s location, that it sits on where two seas merge and the Andes hover in the background, Lima is mostly foggy, or if I’m feeling poetic ‘atmospheric’.


Mind, the bars were colourful and the pisco sours most tasty.

I think that pix is maybe the perfect way to say goodbye to South America, although I’m sure my Mexican tales will be just as colourful; time will tell x