Dora does it again!

You’d think after my trekking expedition in Isla Grande (in Brazil, early on in my trip), I’d have learned my Dora the explorer lesson – do NOT go off the beaten track. Alas not!

Everyone raved about the Kuang Si waterfalls, the view from the top was apparently amazing, plus you got to see some bears which had been rescued from a life of abuse in China. Sounded like a lovely day out. And it would have been had I not have followed the ‘trekking’ sign.

One hour, yes one full hour, of battling through jungle under growth, batting off pesky bugs and slipping and sliding my way up the mountain I had to wave the white flag, I was defeated. There was no way I could go any further, I was literally stuck in the mud and the only way was down.


As I began my descent I begun to wonder why I had not seen any fellow trekkers on my travels, I soon found out when I took a slight detour and saw masses of red faced folks walking down some steps. I had gone the wrong way! There was no need to have huffed and puffed my way through the jungle for an hour, I should have just followed the signs (or the tourists) and climbed some steps for 15 minutes. Unfortunately by the time I realised this it was time to tuk tuk it back to the hostel. I can only imagine how beautiful the waterfall was from above, regardless it was pretty special from below.





