Vegetarians avert your eyes

After a late start, and a little encouragement, I made it to the beach and what a lovely beach it was (you’ll have to use your powers of deduction as I did not take my camera!) we got a boat ride back which was just so lovely, as we disembarked there was a rainbow 🙂

But to be fair, Florianopolis was all about food for me! Lincoln had already muted having a BBQ, steak and red wine; hey i did not need any persuasion.

Check out the size of these beauties!

This time it was a team effort in the kitchen, well I cut the garlic and mushed the avocado for the guacamole, oh and I also kept the wine glasses topped up!

Did I say there was wine involved?

I think, too date, this had been my favourite stay; not just because there was delicious food and wine on the go, but it was lovely sitting around the big table just chatting, and getting to know some lovely folks ❤

Ps. Lotje has, so I hear, a fantastic hostel in Amsterdam (cocomama), so if you fancy a weekend in the Dam and are looking for lodgings let me know!