The city of lights

Loi Krathong, or known to locals as Yi Peng, is a festival which only takes place once a year. They celebrate it by sending light lanterns into the sky and floating flower boats up the river. To appease the river gods, bring good-luck and to say goodbye to the last years trouble and strife (sounded it a bit new year like in western terms), the town comes alive with luminated lanterns, cylindrical lights and masses of tourists all wanting to capture a part of it and take a piece of good-luck home with them. It lasts a few days and luckily I was part of the celebrations for two days.



Check out me and my lantern as I said goodbye to yesterday and hello to tomorrow; it was quite emotional.

I met up with Sandra, my Bangkok buddy, for the finale.

I have a lot to thank Sandra for, not just for the good company and helping me get my krathong lit and up the river…

But also for letting me use this next photo. Tried as I may, oh I did try, I was unable to get a pix that epitomised this special occasion. Truly amazing, emotive and rememberable. Thanks Chiang Mai!


Chiang Mai – a surprise around every corner

And so I headed up north; being a northern gal obviously it was going to be good! And I was not disappointed, I felt totally at home automatically.

It’s a big place, but not compared to Bangkok’s standards. At its heart is the old city, surrounded by a 700 year old medieval wall which was built to keep the Burmese out. It reminded me of Newcastle straight away.

Inside the city wall is compact, despite the throttle of traffic that surrounds it (it was a bit like being back in China, well crossing the road was just as taxing!) and it’s filled with quiet, leafy soi’s (streets) jam packed with guest houses, bars and restaurants. Providing a veritable banquet for the eyes, around every corner there was a something to see, from temples (surprise, surprise), to statues of dragons, horses and Buddhas.








What’s more I had arrived at festival time. This had been planned, it was either the lights of Chiang Mai or the Full Moon party… I deliberated that I had had my fair share of parties, so the lanterns won hands down! As such, all places were decked out with lanterns, streamers and pretty things – most lovely!


Ah, did I mention my accommodation? I was staying at the YMCA, yes really! Unfortunately, not a brickie or red Indian in sight.
