Hola Che Lagarto

Arrived in Paraty last night, in the rain; this rain nonsense is not helping with my sun kissed babe look 😉 I booked into the Che Lagarto hostel since I stayed in the same group of hostels in Rio. First look, all cool. Lovely outdoor area.




However, went up to see my room… The bathroom was worse than any I have ever experienced in any student house! Not nice. Think I was very spoilt with Biergarten hostel in Ilha Grande. Hey, there could be worse things. Still hopeful of what Paraty had to offer. I had to venture out to pay for the room – they wanted payment upfront, think that’s probably incase anyone did a runner once they saw the bathrooms! First impressions not good, the front street looked tired and had no character; I thought this was supposed to have some of the most beautiful architecture in Brazil????
Anyway, a beer soon fixed my misery and I met a chap from Berlin; Mattieus who I had dinner in the hostel with; plus the tunes were the best I’ve heard to date; mixture of reggae and funk. Another beer and a caprihini for the road and off I was to watch the last episode of Homelands given I have to be up for boat trip early in the morning.