A mountain, some monkeys and a beach hut

The sun was shining when we reached Cat Ba island and the morning was to be spent in the National Park; nice and relaxing, or so I thought. What is it with tour companies who think tourists like to trek? Or is it only me who prefers the slower side of life?

This mornings mission to get to the top of this mountain…

So, up some steps, up some more steps, up even more steps… By this time the rest of the group who were somewhat younger than me and in the proper foot attire (at least this time I had sandals on, a wee bit better than flip flops), bypassed me, but I soldered on. I met a group coming down, ‘you’re nearly there’, I think I looked like i needed the encouragement! The final push I thought, I can do more steps… Alas not, the steps dissolved to be replaced by rocks! When does a wander up a mountain turn into rock climbing? Not to worry, the rocks were surmounted and I reached the top 🙂 ‘so, was it worth the effort Wendy?’ I was asked

‘no!’ I really am not an outdoor kind of gal, am I?

After lunch I headed from Cat Ba to Monkey island to stay in a beach hut. How cute?

Given the mornings exertions I declined on the kayaking to see the monkeys, but chilled on the beach watching the sunset.
