A veritable banquet

I am catching my tail a little, so a few tales to tell. The first, my stay in Submarino hostel in Florianopolis, or my pet name for it ‘florrybottomless’! I arrived at the hostel tres late, it did not help that I departed from my bus two hours away from my desired location… Mmm, it was about the scheduled time for arrival and most people were disembarking so I followed the crowd and went to get a taxi. The taxi driver looked a bit startled and checked that was where I really wanted to go… “si, si”. However, it felt a bit odd so I asked the price and knew something was up when he said £100; the hostel guide said it’d be £15. Somehow, between me and a couple of very kind taxis drivers I realised this was not Florianopolis… Somehow, they managed to get me on another bus and two hours later I arrived. Hey, did I need a beer?

Next morning I made it down to breakfast and met Lotje and Lincoln who were discussing dinner that evening. I may have alluded to this, but the food in Brazil is not the best, even I can have too many fried products! So, pushing my luck I asked if I could join them, alas yes, food glorious food (pix soon come)… After a trip to supermercado and getting myself sorted, I headed out to the lake where I was staying next too to pick up a few rays. It was quite lovely and chilled.

But onto the main event, dinner… Lincoln spent a most of the afternoon preparing chicken (knives in hostels aren’t made for be-boning) and then between him and Lotje this fabulous feast was created.




My part of the bargain was the washing up! Actually, Darren did the washing and I wiped.

Aside from the food, I also had red wine, so it was obviously time to meet everyone else in the hostel. It was a late one, I believe we got to bed three ish… Well it was Saturday night, I think 😉

