Oh la la ‘la Boca’

Buenos Aires was not just all about partying, mostly, but not just! After a night of watching an outdoor drumming band, the gals decided that there was no way we were eating Burger King, but jumped in a taxi and headed to Palmero for lovely dinner and tasty red vino. We made a pact early on in the evening, ok midnight, that the following day we were going to do the ‘hop on, hop off’ bus tour and see the sights.

True to our word, we managed to get ourself sorted and headed out, armed with our trusty map, to find the bus. Yep, we saw the bus but it was full… No room for three little ones. Plan b, we headed to La Boca. Ok this did involve lunch and beers, but we got there and I’m glad we did!

The intrepid adventurers, aka Faye and Nicole.







We also took in a live band and tango show.








Grease lightening

Sorry, John Travolta suddenly popped into my head for this post! You’ll notice there has been very little activity regarding Montevideo… One, my memory stick on my camera has given up the ghost and two I spent the whole time there looking for a bank which would give me cash!!!! Actually, it was not a bad little city, some lovely architecture in the old end of town and quite a nice vibe, oh and once i managed to get cash I did get to sample the wine 🙂 unlike travellers in Brazil, it all seems about eating in, yeh cooking. Day 1 pizza, day 2 i did roast some peppers to accompany my cheese, salami,bread and olives (where’s Lotje and lincoln when you need then?) Hoping there’s doing to be some serious food action in Buenos Aires.

Yep, I arrived here about midnight last night, the last stage of my trip was on the Buquebus; from Colonia to BA. What a ride! I watched the sun setting as we headed to BA…


Then the clouds went into Orb like, ‘little fluffy clouds’…



From pink, to purple, to red… I know, not quite the correct lyrics, but I am allowed some artistic licence.


Pretty stunning, eh? The sky then blackened and there was the most stupendous lightening storm. It must have lasted at least 90 minutes. I did endeavour to get some shots, but I thought I’d have better odds winning the lottery, so I gave up after 10 minutes and just stood at the back of boat watching it in all it’s glory. Totally phenomenal!

So that was my entry to Buenos Aires, quite a spectacular welcome. I’m here now for a good week, hurrah, looking forward to being in the same place for a while. The hostel looks awesome, well it is called the Art Factory, so I expected little else. Sure more pix will be forthcoming once I get myself sorted x
