If I was to live in Rio, this is where I’d stay

Second stop was St Teresa, the bohemian area, populated by artists, intellectuals and the like – obviously I’d fit right in here. It’s situated on the hill, and at the turn of the last century, many people moved up from the beach as it was a bit stinky (apparently the sewage system wasn’t as it is now and Ipanema and Copacobana weren’t de riguer). Until last year it had a mighty fine tram system, but a fatal crash saw it getting closed down; I think some of the families of the people who died are in dispute with the authorities to get compensation and there are murals bringing the cause to the public’s attention – very Belfast’esq I thought ans veery sad.
















First port of call was seeing Christ. We got there to seas of crowds, our guide gave us two options:

A) wait in the queues for up to two hours
B) a 20 minute walk.

Obviously is was a no brainer, just a 20 minute stroll up a wee hill, or so we thought. OMG, 30 minutes up a windy and very steep hill, a dripping mess; I have carefully edited these pix so you aren’t going to see me not looking my finest! It was well worth it, the stature was mighty fine; art deco loveliness, and the views out of this world. I warn you now, obviously, I have given the pix my own arty slant. Enjoy 🙂






There was about 20 of us on the trip and hurrah, I meet some pals. Here’s Louise, a London gal and Mia from Sydney.

And a few more pix to make you green.





The girl from Ipanema stayed in a bunk bed?

Hey, hey, hey, I’m now in Ipanema and in a hostel, heaven help me! It’s a mixed dorm and there’s 12 staying here, they rather stupidly placed me in a top bunk; managing the ladders without a drink is precarious enough….

Checked out of my hotel at Copacabana at lunch time and luckily there was room at the inn, or the first hostel I came too, so this is my home for the next four days.I got here early, so in true Dora style I went out exploring for a couple of hours before I could check in. So Ipanema beach… For it just being around the corner, albeit a very long corner, it has a completely different vibe to copa. Seems a lot more cleaner, safer and affluent, I’m liking; plus my friend from the plane told me what number of the beach to go to, should I decide to toast myself some more 🙂 talking of toasting, following my sun goddess sess yesterday, today I was a little pink in parts. So in good ole sensible me mode, I decided to wear long cargo pants and a t-shirt. In addition, my oh so comfy birkenstocks, are not that comfy after all… My weeping feet have been first aided and my campers were on. I thought it was not too bad of a look, however apart from two ole folks who were wearing jeans I was the only person on the beach in long trousers. I did consider half way along my stroll to roll them up, but I think that would have been worse! Ok, sure you want to see some shots…



Pretty nice, eh? I walked to end of the beach and just around the corner there were also some stunning views.

What’s more, I got my first glimpse of Christ.

Talking of Christ, to ensure I find my way about I mentally take note of unusual landmarks; today was turn right at the three (ok, so there’s four) wise men.

That was a special pix for Jacky and Joanne given their love of kitsch religious stuff. Well, best get myself sorted. I’ve left my rucksack out and by the looks of things, it’s not the done thing. Ciao, ciao xx
Ps. I’m not sure how I would have survived these first few days without my iPad – thank Christ for technology lol!

Geordie Shore

Today the sun was shining, so there was only one thing on my mind… A bit of sunbathing! Yep, i too could be in Geordie Shore after some serious tanning 😉 I wandered down to Copacabana and hey it looked so very different from yesterday.

The thing about beaches in Rio, so I read, is that they are divided into sub sets of the population, so on one part there’s the favela kids, another the beautiful people, another the transvestites, another the lefties and so on, so obviously choosing the correct spot is critical… Oh and impossible if you don’t know who’s who and what’s what. So, without the correct info I thought I’d just wing it, wander along and see what took my fancy. Nearing the end of the beach I found a surf school ‘soul rio’ obviously the spot for me.

As you can imagine it was jam packed and filed with people selling anything and everything. So down to some serious sun action as my skin is the same colour as the golden sands (or rather white sands!) honest! After about two and a half hours it was time to cover up and walk along the sea front.


I think at about three ish the tide comes in, so I took a pew and watched the surf boys do their stuff. The size and colour of the waves was just incredible and mesmerising.


As I was minding my business, I was approached by a woman wanting a light for her cigarette, nothing strange in that I though, until about five mins later a chap came up to and started pointing at my bag and speaking in Portuguese… Danger, danger, this was it I was about to get scammed, mugged or something else… Luckily he was just telling me my bag was on fire!!!! Being my typical English self I did not want to leave my cig end on the beautiful beach, so I stubbed it out, wrapped it in tissue and popped in my bag – I know, a bit dim, but thanks to the the observant chap all that it resulted in was a singed Birkenstock and some wear and tear to my bag, lol.

Well, tomorrow I am moving to a ‘proper’ hostel – that is if any of them reply to my emails! This means dorms and hopefully someone else I can speak to aside from myself (and obviously you). I may even to get to go out for a proper meal, cheese and crisp sandwiches are fast loosing their appeal.
Bye for now x

A dander along Copacabana beach

Day one and I’ve survived! Awoke this morning to the rain, how very dare it! Mind saying that it was very warm rain. As such, got my Dora persona on and headed down to the beach. Took a few attempts and a few wrong turns, but as it happens I’m only about a five minute walk away.

Despite the rain and the touts selling brollies, there was still quite a few folks in their swimwear. There was also a lot of dismantling going on; I can only presume there were some new year parties going on there. There was also quite a few sandcastles, I say castles they were more like sculptures – phenomenal.

You know, all the guide books tell you of the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ prevalent in Rio; got a small glimpse as I spied a couple of blokes with black bin liners rummaging through bins to see what treasures they could pick up – actually not too dissimilar to Westgate Road then, lol!

Despite the soggy rain, it was still quite a sight.

Sure I’ll have better ones once the sun has got his hat on.
Back to the hotel and managed to procure some essentials. Sure the cigarettes are about 10p a packet, well either that or I have not got to grips with my currency conversion!

Ciao, ciao xxx

I’m in Rio baby!

I have arrived, safe and soundly! It’s well after one and my bags are mostly unpacked and the hotel is starting to feel a wee bit like home, ok well I have my alarm in situ.

Rio in the dark is not tres exciting, infact this is my delightful view…

However, as soon as I got off the plane you could smell the salty sea air and I’m sure it’s going to look very different in the morning.

Plans for the forthcoming week, well I’m not too sure. I did meet a lovely girl, Adrianna, on my trip from San Paulo to Rio, who kindly drew lots of pix of places to see and things to do, so good in fact they need to be included.

I think my first port of call has to be the beaches! However, on that note I will endeavour to get some peeps so I will be up and at them tomorrow. Nighty night x