Sublime Caye Caulker

I’m a wee bit behind on reciting my travels. Blame a concoction of beaches, booze and no wifi. Since it’s melting outside, I’ve sought refuge indoors and will at least type up some of my thoughts, although when I get to add pix and upload may be another week.

I was sad leave Flores, it was a charming place and I felt well and truly relaxed, but I had an itinerary to keep to and my next stop was the isle of Caye Caulker. An early morning bus saw me on my way, across the Belize border was almost a pleasure, despite having to pay an unofficial tax to leave Antigua, or maybe enter Belize (?) I was not going argue for the sake of £2.50 although one Spanish girl who was travelling with us just told the the chaps she was not going to pay and didn’t!

Excuse my ignorance but I did not realise that Belize was once an English colony, as we drove through the countryside i noticed all the signs were in English and what’s more everyone spoke English albeit with a Caribbean drawl. Dropped off at Belize bus station, we headed to the ferry port. Ticket collected and an hour to spare I was just taking it all in. I bumped into an Israeli couple who I’d met previously and realised they had a different boat ticket to me… Duh! I had a voucher which I should have changed to a ticket, yep and I found out just as the boat (with my luggage on it) was about to depart. No worries, we were on Belize time, ticket collected, boat boarded and an hours sail before we arrived at what must be one of the most beautiful islands. Golden sands, turquoise seas, chilled and I had also booked into a lovely little hostel on the seafront.

My plan was three nights here, however, on night three the Chilean guy who was in our dorm persuaded me and a German gal I had just met to come out drinking with his pals. To be fair, i did not take much persuading as i had just had a cheeky wee bottle of coconut rum! The fact I was in my pjs did not deter me either, I popped on my shorts and a good night was had by all. That being said a 3.30am finish was not conducive to a 6am start. Yep, I missed my ferry but at least I had another day on this beautiful isle 🙂








