Fast and furious in Phuket

Imagine the scene, sun kissed beaches, tropical sunshine, copious cocktails and what do we decide to do? An adrenalin fuelled day trip! Yep, an action packed Phuket day of fun is on the cards, including white water rafting, zip lining and of course the obligatory elephant or two. On your marks, get set…

20151101-101821.jpg The three musketeers, aka, Sophie, Nick and Dora, start the day off at a relaxed pace with a visit to see the banana grabbing monkeys.


20151101-102116.jpg Ok, if this seems a bit sedate, just check out my first experience of white water rafting.



20151101-102606.jpg. Next, well hello there Nellie!


20151101-102913.jpg Before lunch there was still time to fit in some quad biking.


20151101-103336.jpg For those of you who know me and my Miss Daisy driving abilities, you have every right to be filled with terror that I’m let loose on a quad bike… The guys who were overseeing the biking thought so too. Within the first five mins the guys politely requested that he jumps on the bike and rides. Being the tenacious miss I am, it wasn’t until I fell off that I relinquished the reins and got a backka! To be fair, it was loads of fun being driven about and I’m sure he got to speeds that I could only dream of 😉
The final activity was the zip wire. Again, it was a day of firsts for me and once I got used to being harnessed up in the most uncompromising of places, I loved it. Luckily, there’s no pix of me in my harness – something’s are best left to the imagination!
I’m exhausted just looking at the pix, but my two intrepid partners in crime were still hungry for more physicality… We return to Patong to the notorious Bang-La road and both Sophie and Nick decide to partake in the two minute ‘hang-a-thong’ in the hope of winning a bottle of whiskey.

20151101-104602.jpg Despite their finest effort, neither could hang on for the allocated two minutes and bag that illusive bottle of whiskey – just as well, I’m not sure how much more excitement a gal could take in one day x

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