Scenic Sapa

Hello North Vietnam! After a somewhat delayed over night train we arrive at our destination and are whisked into a mini bus for an hour journey into the mountains. The palm trees of Ha Noi are replaced by fir trees, if it wasn’t for the padi fields stretching up the mountain sides, you could be in the alps – all that is missing is the snow.

At the hotel we are greeted by ladies and girls in traditional clothes; colourful checked head scarfs, layers of black tops and skirts with intricate embroidery with silver chain mail necklaces and black leg warmers which were held up with patterned ribbons; several had baby’s strapped to their back.

They are keen to chat and friendly, with enough English to ask your name, where you’re from, your age and whether you have any brothers and sisters. We begin our afternoon trek and they happily follow us along the mountain paths in the hope that we will buy some of their wares. After half an hour, they leave us and we head to the first of two mountain villages that are on today’s itinerary.

Built on the mountain slopes, little wooden houses with shop fronts selling anything and everything greet us. As we amble along the paths we dodge the pigs, chickens and geese, stopping only to take quick snaps.

Out of the villages we are surrounded by lush green draped mountains and layered padi fields. The rice has been harvested, so all that remains is the stubs submerged in pools of water. It seems almost manufactured in so far as it’s so neat and uniformed, yet it effortlessly blends into the landscape looking like its been there forever.

Day two continues on a similar theme, but the local ladies (our entourage) accompany us for three hours as we are visiting their village. The sun is shining and the walk I really enjoyed, there’s hope for me yet! The scenes just totally stunning. Enough of my words, take a look for yourself.
















In case you are wondering, of course I bought a headscarf!


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