Some serious R&R on Koh Pha-Ngan

Where have the last five days gone? It seems like yesterday that I arrived on the island and all of a sudden I’m on the ferry en route to Chiang Mai. I suppose that’s what Koh Pha-Ngan does to you, wraps you up in its serenity so that any other place seems like another world away.

I stayed on the west side of the island, away from all the madness and partying. I was close to the capital so on an evening I could have a jaunt down the ‘walking street’, watching the sellers ply their wares and then drop into the local market for some satay skewers. Saying that, that only happened once. I was happy being safely wrapped up in my beach hut with views of the sunsets and a cocktail, or two at hand.

I feel a bit bad that I did not explore the island as it boasts some of the best beaches in the whole of Thailand, but that wasn’t what this stop over was about, it was about topping up my tan and chilling! Job done 🙂








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