The sister has landed

So, Japan! I arrived a night earlier than Jacky and stayed at an airport hotel so we could travel into Tokyo together. Sounds simple enough, yes? Well, it would have been had I not rocked up at terminal two with the info that she she was due to arrive at 8.45am on an airfrance plane. She was actually flying in from Amsterdam, into terminal two, at a completely different time! No worries, being the intrepid explorer I am, I managed to find my way to terminal two and after an hours wait met a rather spaced out lil miss Wilson.

Ok, next step get the NEX (Narita Express) into the city. Tickets bought and our Japan travel card safely in our possession we were on our way. Watch out Tokyo, the Wilson sisters have arrived.



Arriving at Tokyo station, our instructions were simple. Find our metro line, travel one stop and bob’s ya uncle. Now I know Jacky had been travelling for hours and was a bit dazed and confused, but I had no excuse… That being said, for the life of us we could not find our metro line, our Suica (metro cards) bleeped as we tried to leave the platform; cue a comedical five mins chat with a travel guard that could speak no English. We eventually realised that the platform we had gotten off was the platform we needed to get back onto, duh! We rocked up to Shin-Nihombashi, exited and lo and behold our hotel was literally just around the corner. Result 🙂

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