Akihabara, aka Electric City

Our hotel was ideally located near Akihabara, an area renowned for its tech, yep geek central. A strong coffee devoured and off we went exploring.

My mission for the afternoon was to purchase an adapter, as the Chinese one did not work over here; so obviously we were in the right place. We located a mall and as soon as we stepped in, were hit by the sheer craziness that is Tokyo!

This was a ‘teens’ mall, filled with fancy dress apparel, shops and shops of it, and levels and levels of games. I say games in the loosest sense of the word; from neon exploding slots machines, to boy racers, to rows and rows of grab the egg, with models of the most bizzarest creatures i had ever seen. I tried to take some photos but was severely chastised in the process, hence the blurred pix.

It was all a bit much given our delicate state of mind. We retreated back to the hotel, taking a few pix along the way and headed out for dinner. An early night was required. Btw: I did manage to buy an adapter amongst all the madness.




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