Two weeks with complete strangers

Hello my dears, have I got some serious updating to do. Luckily little miss Wilson has crashed with jet lag, so with a little bit of luck I’ll be able to get the last few weeks uploaded. So, sit back, relax, maybe pour yourself a wee drink a enjoy…

Sunday afternoon I left my hotel and headed to the North East of the city to meet my fellow travellers for the next couple of weeks. I gave myself plenty of time to get to the 5pm meet, despite getting dropped off at the wrong hotel, I arrived ahead of schedule and waited for the group to assemble.

For those of you that have not heard the ludicracy that some trips have age restrictions; yep I was too old to join the Vodka Train group and I had to sign up to an age appropriate tour. As such, I was anticipating a more mature group. Luckily, I was not the youngest, yet I was the only solo traveller with the majority of our 14 strong group being married couples from Australia and Canada. However, there were three ladies from Adelaide; Rosemary, Di and Rihanna, who I got chatting to straight away.

As means of bonding, our tour guide Diana (pronounced De-Anna) took us out for dinner to a ‘Mu Mu’ a traditional Russian restaurant where I caused chaos when I took a non-alcoholic beer instead of a real one! I ate pork encased in a cheese sauce accompanied with potatoes and mushrooms; most tasty.

An early night was on the cards as we had a jam packed day of sight seeing ahead of us.

Yum, My Russian feast.

20131001-194517.jpgHappy campers!


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