Trans-Mongolian railway – day 3 of 5

Today it’s Friday, 4.26pm and the day has been jam packed! It all began with the excitement of planning a tea party. It’s Di’s and Fred’s birthday across the next week and what better way to relinquish the boredom of the train journey than to throw a party and get rid of our excess food – two birds, one stone.

So before I was even onto my second cup of coffee of the day Rihanna was getting herself extremely excited about; party games, decorations and music, while Rosemary was given the important task of catering manager. Of course, Diana and I contributed to the planning, but at a much slower rate. however, by lunchtime we had the chain mails made; a most satisfactory effort if I do say so myself.

And you thought that was the day’s highlight? Alas not, we were then greeted by squeals of delight when, after a station stop, one of the Canadians bought some flowers for his wifey. I think he may have mistaken this train for the Orient Express and is trying to make up.

From here on in, you know a bit of nail painting, listening to some Gregory Porter, some noodles (not mashed potato) for tea, followed by a walk to the dining cart; where we did not actually buy anything but just took a photo…


Rock n roll and the best is yet to come, honest! Tonight is movie night. My machine has been charged up, the mixer has been purchased and the vodka kindly donated by John. Bring it on 🙂

Aha, I’m back! Unfortunately the movie night has yet to happen, (if at all), yet we’ve been busy crafting bees making cards (and envelopes!) for the celebrations. better still, there’s a passy the parcel thang been going on too. Tomorrow is gonna be a good day.



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