Trans-Mongolian railway – day 2 of 5

It’s 3.43pm on Thursday afternoon and everyone’s spirits are high following a 25 minute stop off at a station and a multitude of food sellers. From pastries, cucumbers, tomatoes, smoked fish, potatoes and blinis; our coach has filled their boots on local fare – a refreshing change from noodles!

Today has been a long day. After awakening at 8am (yep, I had an alcohol free evening), each hour that has gone by has seemed to last a life time. Despite games of ‘Uno’, Diana drawing caricatures, magazines, snoozes intersected with chocolates, Vegemite and mashed potato for lunch (I thought I had bought noodles!), each time we checked the time only an hour had passed, but we have maybe hit the half way point. Just Friday and Saturday to get through as we arrive in Mongolia Sunday early morning. I can easily see why people turn to drinking copious amounts of vodka to escape the boredom 😉




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