Trans-Mongolian railway – day 1 of 5

Today it’s Wednesday at 7.17pm and I’ve been on board now for nearly a day; only four more to go, and I’ve settled in quite nicely. Our ‘apartment’ is relatively compact, however, it helps that I’ve been paired up with Diana (our tour guide) and we have a four bed for just the two of us.

We boarded at 9.35 yesterday evening and last night was mostly a blur. Before even getting unpacked my bottle of tempranillo was opened, followed swiftly by my Putin vodka. In true Russian style we drank it neat and Diana, Di and I were up until the early hours putting the world to rights. Needless to say I did not rise until after midday and my provisions of water are quickly being depleted. What’s more, my striped sweatshirt got a Pollock style makeover after the two plastic glasses I took from my hotel room leaked red wine all down the front of it; that’s what happens when you take things you shouldn’t from the hotel!

Dinner has just been consumed, a veritable banquet of bread, cheese, olives, stuffed peppers and salami; I could have just been to Fenwicks’ deli. The Adelaide gals have just sampled their first freeze dried meals too; lamb tagine, stir fry and chicken curry – we have got it all going on here. I am so very pleased I stocked up at the supermarket before boarding as the dinning cart is apparently very expensive and not very tasty. My only regret is that I only bought one bottle of vino…

Freeze dried from Oz…



Supermarket shopping was quite a treat, luckily Diana accompanied us to keep us on the right track. I bought three bags of food, three packets of cigarettes, one bottle of wine and vodka all for the paltry sum of £60. I was quite amazed by how many brands they stocked, I could have bought Andrex toilet paper had I so desired.

I’m not sure where in Russia we are, we past ‘Perm’ some hours ago, but I know we have another three nights sleep before we arrive in Mongolia and can get showered! On that lovely note, I think I’ll get back to my book and my fizzy water.

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