The countdown begins…

Hello all, I’m back! After a few months enjoying the Great British summer, it’s time to re pack my rucksack and end the year in the same way it began; travelling to some new and exciting places.

Trip two begins on Thursday and this time I’m eastward bound. First stop Moscow where I board the trans Mongolian railway for a few weeks before reaching Beijing. A hop, skip and a jump, ok a plane ride, and I sample the delights of Japan before heading back through China and end up in Singapore. A few hours, or so, later Bangkok. I’m still looking for a sociable hostel there so if anyone has any ideas please let me know 🙂

The final loop is SE Asia. I’m not sure of where, what or how, but I have my final six weeks visiting temples and beaches. Oh dear, that then takes me to Christmas and back to real life. But hey, that’s over three months away and I’m hoping I can cover some miles and tell some tales along the way.

Bye for now! Catch you later x

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