Woo hoo! Back in the land of wifi

Hooray, I’m back! Just landed in Japan and not only is there wifi that works at a super sonic speed, but I can also access my blog to update you all. I knew that Facebook was banned in China, but not WordPress. Luckily tech support, lil miss Wilson, will be joining me tomorrow so hopefully she will be able to sort me out. I don’t think I can cope another month in China without my trusty blog; it kind of gets addictive when you’re on the road.

Well, what’s been happening? Just the small matter of Moscow, the Trans-Mongolian railway (five days without a shower, nice!), Ulaanbataar and life in a Gir, oh and don’t forget about Beijing and those super cool Hutongs. Don’t worry, I’ve been a diligent little bee and have quite a lot of blogs (and pix) ready to upload; they will be coming thick and fast, but maybe not tonight!

It’s past midnight and I arrived in Japan about an hour ago. Now safely at the airport hotel, I’m lounging in my kimono; stylish?

And have purchased my first (ok I bought two) beers from a vending machine.

Got to be up early doors, so I’ll leave you awash with anticipation for my next blog, lol x

A wet afternoon in Moscow

Day one in Moscow and I was greeted with typical damp Newcastle weather, I was not disheartened; I felt at home. By the time I got up and sorted it was past midday and as usual the plan was vague. I’m meeting my travelling group that will be accompanying me on the trans-Mongolian railway tomorrow and I did not want to duplicate any of my tourist efforts, so I thought I’d just head down to red square and go a wandering.

Wandering I went. For a unplanned excursion I did quite well; red square, Pokrovsky (or St Basil’s) Cathedral, the Kremlin (from afar, I’m not sure if you need a secret knock to get in?), Cathedral of Christ the Redeemer, Peter the Great commanding the river and I also stumbled across ‘love bridge’ – I’m not sure whether it is it’s official title but it seems fitting to me. I even ended my journey soaking up some culture at the State Tretyakov gallery. Given the weather, I tell you it was four layers, hat and scarf attire (my gloves will be with me tomorrow) some of my pix have been photo-toasted! And, I will endeavour to do a similar route on an evening when the landscape turns into something Disney Land ‘esq (I think Lenin will be turning in his mausoleum at that comparison). Et voila.







I think the padlocks may need some explanation, or maybe not. Apparently when newly weds tie the knot, it’s traditional for them to go down to the river (originally, now the river bank is too full and they have created some new trees on a bridge) and attach a padlock to the tree as a sign of their undying love. Whatever you think of the concept (a kitchen sink came to my mind, I know, I’m such an ole romantic!) they were quite cute.




Ok final shout out to the state gallery of Tretyakov! I was very excited about this I’d read they had a Mondrian collection on loan, running along some Kandinsky. Hey, how was I to know they had several galleries and the one I visited was the wrong one? To be fair the building was worth the visit alone, despite the paintings inside. Maybe tomorrow I’ll do my research and get my modernistic fix? Until then x



A brief stop off in Copenhagen

I’m on my way. After leaving Newcastle yesterday evening I arrived in Copenhagen, at about about ten o’clock, unscathed. It was all a bit surreal embarking on this travelling malarkey again after my few months off, but it felt good. However, I quickly realised that you soon get out of the habit and no matter how well prepared you may feel, there is always something that crops up. My first faux pas was currency. A trip to the post office to pick up some dollars (my just in case money), some rubles and euros and I was convinced all bases were covered, that is until I realised that Denmark don’t do euros! Luckily a currency exchange was in the bag collection area, so disaster one was averted.

Following a good nights sleep and a quick, yet expensive taxi ride to the airport; my £50 converted to euros, to kronas, managed to cover two 10 minute journeys (this being said I do have a range of coins in my purse, but despite how pretty they look with the little hole drilled in the middle, I don’t think I have sufficient to buy a coffee!). I’m now in situ in terminal 3, gate D101 and have a good hour downtime before my flight departs.

The airport itself is pretty funky, modern and arty – I especially liked the water feature that look like a flower and they have sculptures of folks looking over balconies – cool.

I think I have some notion of a plan when I arrive in Moscow. Unfortunately I did not get organised in time to arrange a transfer (I know, I had such a busy summer doing nothing) so it looks like it’s an aeroexpress and taxi to get me into the centre; wish me luck. The lady who checked in my bag also warned me that the military have a heavy presence at the airport and are very ‘strict’, note to self ‘no jokes Wendy’. But, I ‘should’ be ok as I have a visa! This is going to be quite an experience I think.

So, my first blog, of no doubt many to come, is completed. Hopefully, my next will be filled with lots of great pictures and rambles about my welcome to Russia. More later…

Pretty coins…

The airport…


The countdown begins…

Hello all, I’m back! After a few months enjoying the Great British summer, it’s time to re pack my rucksack and end the year in the same way it began; travelling to some new and exciting places.

Trip two begins on Thursday and this time I’m eastward bound. First stop Moscow where I board the trans Mongolian railway for a few weeks before reaching Beijing. A hop, skip and a jump, ok a plane ride, and I sample the delights of Japan before heading back through China and end up in Singapore. A few hours, or so, later Bangkok. I’m still looking for a sociable hostel there so if anyone has any ideas please let me know 🙂

The final loop is SE Asia. I’m not sure of where, what or how, but I have my final six weeks visiting temples and beaches. Oh dear, that then takes me to Christmas and back to real life. But hey, that’s over three months away and I’m hoping I can cover some miles and tell some tales along the way.

Bye for now! Catch you later x