The revolution

Yep, i am in Cuba, the red in me is rife and i would really like to start a revolution! Ok, week two in Cuba and I’ve seen a different way of life (these will be documented when una mas is not in play!), please bring on Fidel and Che!

My strife, the venom that needs to be eradicated? Bloody Mosquitos!

For those of you who have not been blighted by these pesky bugs, you may find this post a wee bit over-the-top! However, for those of you; my comrades, who finds living with these animals an excruciating bane, please join Wendy and her merry banditos.

I have tried everything from deet to ‘off’, to smoking (yep, that’s obviously been a challenge for me), and even forced myself to drink gin! I’ve tried guerrilla tactics; on an evening I’ll leave the air con on (apparently they don’t like the cold), leave a light on in another room, thinking they’ll be attracted to it and leave me alone. Ive even set up camp under my sheets in the hope they’ll not be able to permeate it. Also not! They are fighters through and through,

Whats a gal to do, aside from itch?

Maybe they have just got too much Cuban spirit in their blood? Maybe I should become an American? Nope, they will just attack me more.

I need some revolutionary tactics my amigos… Answers on a postcard please. I’ll even televise it! X

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