Lake Titicaca

My last stop in Bolivia was Copacabana, a small tourist haven nestled on the southern banks of lake titicaca. Let me share my limited knowledge about the lake; it’s huge!!!! It’s considered the largest high altitude lake in the world sitting at an elevation of 3808m, it covers 8400 sq km and divides Bolivia from its neighbour Peru.

I was glad to say the trip from la Paz to copacabana did not involve a night bus, we departed early morning and arrived early afternoon. I spent my journey listening to my peapod, some jazz tunes perfectly complimented the views.


We had a couple of stop offs, at one point I was chilling watching the world go by when I noticed the rest of the folks from my bus were all boarding a boat… Mmm, if only I understood Spanish! Bizarrely, we were carried over in a boat, as too the bus.

We arrived at the port which was cute and awash with swan peddler boats, there was even a Donald duck one, although I never did get back and take the pix of it.

There were also some ladies with their llamas all dressed up in carnival gear.

I have found myself to be a lazy traveller, opting when I first arrive in a new place to automatically take a taxi. I had consulted my lonely planet and sussed out that my hotel was relatively near the plaza, no taxi required 🙂 however, I over played my map reading abilities and Mmm, about 40 minutes later I arrived at my hotel – it was actually just five mins from where I was dropped off, albeit uphill. No worries, I was still feeling a wee bit smug and no one needed to know how foolhardy I’d been 😉
Given I was still in Bolivia, I was splashing the cash, yep another single room for me all for a £10 a night! Obviously, the hotel was never going to reach the luxury of my la Paz boutique hotel, but the view was pretty.

Unbeknownst to me, Viv and Dave, an Irish couple who I had meet on my 4×4 adventure were staying just across the balcony from me. They had extended their stop here and a dinner invitation was greatly received. We met up with some other Irish travellers; Irene and Myles and an evening of great food and great craic was on the cards.

Well that was me fed and watered. An early night was on the cards pre boat trip to Isla del Sol.

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