Country number six – Peru!

Just over two months and six countries, that’s a whistle stop tour of south America if ever I have seen one. As much as I loved Boliva, indeed my favourite country so far, I was really excited to sample some Peruvian delights. We did not have to wait long! Viv and Dave and Zoe were also crossing the border with me, friends at border control is an advantage as sometimes the wait can be somewhat monotonous. Alas not, in, out, stamp, pix, back on the bus. It was indeed a border control delight.


BTW Dave and Viv were responsible for our look of glee!!?! I was pleased to be greeted by the souped up cabs. But no cabs for us, back on the bus, Puno bound.

We had plans to all meet for dinner, but you know put four British folks together who speak the same language and things were gonna go pear shaped! How were we to know there were two plazas and that the folks from puno were celebrating carnival? what a treat. I met Dave and Viv and we were accosted by song and dance, quite unexpectedly. It truly was quite amazing…






I forgot to mention, they have a penchant for spraying ‘everyone’ with shaving foam! Obviously Dave being of large stature was an A1 target..,

Saying that, Viv and I did not get away scott free; or should that be ‘Irish free’?


I think Viv is rocking the pink lady look! In 40 years time I can see a pink rinse coming on 😉

We escaped the madness and i devoured my first, although by no means last, Pisco Sour.

Dave on the other hand also had a first, his first guinea pig…

If you think that looked unappetising check out its gnashers!

Viv and I were quite pleased as at least we could try a ‘tiny’ bit. My morsel tasted duck like with a pork crackling skin, although I was pleased I did not have to eat it all. Go Dave!

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