A night in with a SA takeaway

I just love it when a plan comes together and tonight, is most certainly, one of those nights! For the last fortnight I’ve just not stopped, what with the small matter of living with the locals, the lost city which is Machu pichu, and today condors… Add some great people, lots of food and drink and a couple of night buses, I was truly looking forward to a quiet night in.

So, what better way to indulge than a south American takeaway; a bottle of Mendoza (which my swiss army knife opened seamlessly – I am convinced Bolivian corks are all dodgy!), a couple of empandos and a packet of gummy bears; ok not strictly speaking SA but they were packaged in Peru so it kind of counts.

So, put your feet up, relax and let me recount the last fortnight of my travels 🙂

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