Ladies in La Paz

Since arriving in Bolivia, I have been loving the fashion big style! The ladies with their long plaits, bowler hats and ruched skirts. However, I did feel a little bit uncomfortable taking photographs of them… They don’t live in a zoo! I did manage to get around this in La Paz, photographing from a afar. As I ventured up through Bolivia the ladies fashions changed a wee bit. In the south, where it’s warmer, the skirts were shorter – I’m not talking micro mini, just to their knees. As I reached La Paz, longer skirts, trousers or leg warmers and shawls – its not surprising they need to layer up given the speed the weather changes here.

Here’s some of my favourite ladies; you’ll notice they tend to be rear shots, Tim, are these the pix you have been waiting for 😉







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