Scenes from Salta

Arrived in Salta after a long and late bus trip. Was due in midnight, but it was after three by the time I got in. Luckily, I had met a lovely Dutch girl, Arnica, so I had company which made it all the better. I had only two days there and my second was a trip, so I spent my first day recovering from the journey and had a wander into town.

It is a quaint little place, it probably felt the most South American place I have visited so far. It had a central plaza surrounded by restaurants and a delightful pink cathedral.

I am sure there was lots more things to see, but I was starving and needed food, oh and a beer!

I’m not too sure why, but every meal seems to be accompanied with ham and cheese, oh and sometimes an egg; it was the strangest Milanese sandwich I’d ever had, but tasted mighty fine. An early night was on on the cards, I was getting picked up at 7am for my trip to Cafayate.

The trip to Cafayate was amazing, as to get there we had to go through a huge and I mean huge, canyon. It was really breathtaking, at times it felt as if I was in a movie set. Enough chit chat, here’s some pix.








Oh, I also got to feed a Lima πŸ™‚


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