Don’t go chasing waterfalls…

Ah, please do. Especially if they look anything like these… Oh my lord, I have not seen anything more beautiful than the iguazu waterfalls. As promised, more is definitely less with this post, although my pix really don’t do them justice. It was scene from Swiss family Robinson meets Jurassic Park. Truly tremendous.

Before reaching the park we stopped at the point where urguary meets, brazil and Argentina.

Then into the park, a bit of hiking, a Thomas the tank engine train and a few rivers…

And then…





This is ‘Devils Throat’ the biggest and most majestic of the falls. But everywhere you went there were literally hundreds of them.








As if this was not more than enough, the day was topped off with a boat ride. You see this boat? Yep, I was on it. Pretty phenomenal stuff.

And, yes there is more, I even got to see a rainbow!

I’m off to Salta this evening, a super duper bus ride, all being well I should arrive tomorrow at midnight. Until then x

5 thoughts on “Don’t go chasing waterfalls…

  1. hi wendy have just seen the waterfalls they look great you are looking good yourself although you dont look as if nyou are catching the sun still it will bemuch warmer than it is here woke up this morning and everywhere covered in snow again . I planed togo to morpeth with rena but its to cold and windy .I had my 6 monthly check at doctors on friday and they were pleased with me so thats good. We started new jig saw and its coming on very well. Well wendy not much to report so just you take good care of yourself love you xxxxxx

    Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2013 22:50:05 +0000 To:

    • Hey mam and dad, they were stunning! I’m getting there with me tan, been on factor 30, but going to come down so I might get golden brown! More snow? None of that nonsense here đŸ™‚ glad all went well at docs and you and dad are keeping out of mischief with your jigsaws. On the road quite a bit soon, but be in touch when I can. Lots of love xxx

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