These feet were made for walking

Arrived in the metropolis which is Sao Paulo yesterday tea time. My fellow traveller, another Ozzie Karrine,was my my bus journey pal. We got dropped off at the main bus / metro station and I hung around with here until her Sao Paulo pals she met in Rio arrived. When asking which metro to get to Clinicas station, they kindly drove me to another metro station so I just had to get one metro – there are some very kind people about (and they would even take the cash I offered to get them some beers!!!!)

Metro line safely negotiated I had a 25 minute walk, luckily downhill to Vila Madalena hostel – what a treat (I feel a separate post coming on to tell you about the wonders of this place!) i arrived to find my Nottingham police chap mates, matt and andy in reception, result – dinner sorted, mind it was pizza again and they brought along a Geordie, I say that in the loosest sense of the word ‘sand dancer John’. Pleasant night 🙂

Given I only had one full day in Sao Paulo, I had an ambitious culture vulture trip planned, so off I set at 11am. Did not get too lost, but also did not manage any galleries. Here’s the edited version of my walkathon… Btw: architecture shots too need a separate blog x

I ‘think’ this is the design shop / gallery they choose to change the frontage every 10 month – Mmm all a bit New York, but Gaudi inspired loveliness; I’m not complaining.
The main street where the hostel is music lovers paradise. Honest, there must have been at least 25 shops…



From there, headed down a very swanky designer street. It would have been rude not to visit the Havianas shop, even though I can’t wear them.

The chap from the hostel also said the Melissa store was well worth a visit; they are those funky plastic shoes that Vivienne Westwood likes. The shop was awesome, I had to stop myself buying some limited edition Liberty printed ones.

The feel in Sao Paulo is just soon cool, I’d say more London than New York and at every step there was something to fuel your senses. Check out these reflective trees.

The financial district was next, pix to follow in the architecture post, and then a wander down to Ibirapuera Park. It was huge and so peaceful. There are lots of museums and the such in there, but I was too concerned with finding a loo and eating a ice cream; did I say the sun was shining today?



My plan was visit MUBE, the museum of Brazilian Sculpture, but I somehow got a wee bit disorientated and missed the turn off. I did find a really cool rabbit though.

Arrived back at 5 ish, not a bad days work! In homage to the British weather, I did treat myself to a t-shirt x


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