Trekking in flip flops

Day two in Ilha Grande. The rain had stopped, however, the hostel was without electric – a cold shower I presume. It was actually quite good to ease the itching of the mozzies who had had a veritable feast on me the night prior – I didn’t think they liked the rain?

It was not beech weather, but I had my Dora hat on and headed through the town centre to the seafront. Despite the overcast weather, it was incredibly warm and you could get an idea how glorious it’d be in full sunshine.



I headed along to the State Park and began a gentle jaunt through the forest (which was quite jungle esq in my mind). Along the way I came across a multitude of hidden beeches, one which I had to myself, well at least for 15 mins.

As you all may well know, I am not typically described as an outdoorsy gal, but wandering through the forest and hearing the swish swash of the sea really re-energised me; I felt that at that moment there was no where better i’d rather be.

I came to a viaduct – cue arty shots…


And I decided I was enjoying myself so much, I’d continue on the path; to the waterfall I thought. Mmm, an hour and a half later, no waterfall but lots of steep uphill climbs. Not only was I wearing hugely inappropriate footwear (I did not realise it was going to steep!), I had also ran out off water. Time to retrace my tracks, this time downhill. I saw some fellow hikers using a big stick as a walking pole, despite me emulating this and feeling like I was Gandolf in the Lord of the Rings, I ended up on my butt, covered in orange clay! Hey, another lesson learnt and at least I got some ‘jungle’ shots!



Oh, and just on case you don’t believe me, here’s the evidence šŸ˜‰


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